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Friday, July 15

Thermaltake adds watercooled GT Level 10 case amongst other watercooling products

Thermaltake the cooling specialists have announced the updated version of the GT level 10 case, the GT Level 10 LCS is a GT level 10 case that comes with a pre-installed watercooling solution for either novice users or those looking for a no hassle water cooling solution.

It uses the new generation 5.25" drive bay watercooling set up which has an all inclusive drive bay unit alongside an intelligent interconnecting waterblock which has a fully copper base to maximise heat dissappation.

The P500 pump pushes an impressive 500L of water an hour and is kept inside the drive bay unit and is cooled by a blue 120mm LED fan. The drive bay unit is collectively the "760 Bigwater Plus" and is pictured below:

Alongside those two products above Thermaltake also released the Bigwater A80 CPU water cooler all in one closed loop system. Which comes with a pure copper base, prefilled coolant and full Intel/AMD CPU compatability.

All of these products will be available from August.

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