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Friday, July 15

Native 64bit support for Flash Player 11

Adobe has released a beta version of flash player, version 11, for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. They also announced the availability of Adobe AIR 3 beta for Windows and Linux but not on Linux as Adobe is going to focus on the mobile version. The beta is for desktops only the mobile beta will come soon. The preview of 64-bit flash player was shown back in September 2010 but has only now arrived nearly a year later.

Adobe said these improvements had been made in AIR 3 and Flash player 11:

  • Captive Runtime for AIR - this popular feature from AIR for iOS will now be available on AIR for desktop. Simplify the app installation process, reduce testing and certification cost by encapsulating the AIR runtime in your Windows, Mac, and Android apps.

  • Native 64-bit support for Flash Player - take advantage of new 64-bit operating systems and 64-bit Web browsers on Windows, Mac OS, Linux.

  • Stage 3D graphics rendering - Stage 3D (codenamed Molehill) is a new method of 2D and 3D rendering and is supported with a new Stage3D API. The Stage3D API is a set of low-level GPU-accelerated APIs enabling advanced 2D and 3D capabilities across multiple screens and devices (desktop, mobile, and TV). These new low-level APIs will provide 2D and 3D engine developers the flexibility to leverage GPU hardware acceleration for significant performance gains.

  • H.264/AVC SW Encode for camera encoding - higher compression efficiency and industry wide support for real-time communications and non-real-time broadcast scenarios, like webcasting, livecasting, etc.

  • Native JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) support - enables ActionScript programmers to take advantage of fast parsing and generation of JSON-formatted data. Take existing data and integrate it with minimal or no modification into your ActionScript project.

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