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Wednesday, June 8

Disk manufacturer Seagate releases battery powered wi-fi external hard drive

Seagate has released a new hard drive that works in a unique way. Designed for mobile computing the disk drive supports 802.11 b/g/n wi-fi to allow you to connect it to your laptop or other device. The hard drive also features a rechargeable battery so that it doesn't need to draw on the power of your device and reduce the battery life of that. Seagate has branded it the "GoFlex Satellite Mobile Wireless Storage" and they plan to introduce it at a retail price of $200 from July onwards.

The reported battery life of the disk drive is expected to be 5 hours under full load or 25 hours on standby. An "iOS" app has been made to increase the compatiblity of this drive with mobile devices especially since Seagate claims that this disk drive is primarily for the users of tablets and ipads that want mobile functionality and increased storage for their media files.

This is what Seagate had to say about their new product:

“With the growth of the tablet and iPad markets and the larger volumes of high-quality media now being consumed, there is a clear need for access to content that is not plagued with the challenges of streamed video over the Internet, he unfortunate fact is that these popular new mobile devices are hampered by their limited storage capacity while one of their primary functions is that of media consumption."

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