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Wednesday, June 8

Battlefield 3 Release Date Announced at E3

Battlefield has been one of the most successful war first person shooters to come about in recent times. Rising up from the dying corpse of the Call of Duty series the bosses at EA have said this game will be bigger than Black Ops and bigger than Modern Warfare 3.

During the E3 press conference today Dice and EA announced that the official release date for the game would be on October 25th 2011 so that is around 4 months away. This is a week earlier than the planned release of Modern Warfare 3 so the gauntlet has certainly been laid.

They also confirmed that the Beta testing of Battlefield 3 would start sometime in September as they look to bring the game play to a highly polished level in time for release. More details are likely to be annouced but it is looking unlikely that this will be an Open Beta although that is not certain. If an open beta does come VIP beta pass holders are likely to get a run at the game first.

Here is a clip of a trailer shown at E3 today for the new Battlefield 3:

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