Sapphire's Nettop system the Edge PC has been around for a while now, with the last two generations being powered by Intel's Atom processor and Nvidia ION graphics. Now Sapphire have made a swap to AMD, not surprising given Sapphire is one of AMD's biggest partners. The new model is identical from the outside but with one key difference on the inside: an AMD E-450 APU is now present instead of an Intel/Nvidia combo. The E450 packs two cores at 1.6.5GHz with HD 6320 graphics alongside:
4GB of RAM, 320GB of mechanical storage, and built-in Wi-Fi. Around the back are USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports, HDMI and VGA display outputs, an Ethernet jack, and a pair of 3.5-mm audio jacks. Sapphire says the Edge HD³ is a "30W device;" there's actually a fan inside, but it sounded rather quiet to us.
Sapphire are saying this product should arrive in store by February the 1st with a price tag of about $300. Although, that price tag doesn't include an Operating system so you'll need your own Windows or Linux.
Source: TechReport
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