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Friday, November 18

Entry level HD 7000 GPUs will be rebrands

AMD customers will probably be used to rebrands by now. AMD has consistently rebranded low end and entry level video cards as the series have progressed. Now it seems the entry level HD 7000 GPUs will be based off of HD 6000 series cards, some of these which are also based off HD 5000 series cards. Familiar GPU codenames of Turks, Caicos and Cedar will make a come back in the HD 7300, 7400, 7500 and 7600 cards.

While the HD 7700 series cards could be based off the Juniper cores meaning the HD 7770 will be the same as the HD 5770 except with a different name. For the unwary consumer this could in essence mean paying a substantial chunk of money to "upgrade" to the same card. Although another theory suggests this won't be the case and AMD will use higher market positioned cards from the last generation to form lower positions in this generation to show generational progression i.e. the HD 6850 may become the HD 7790 or the HD 6790 may become the HD 7770.

The only actual next generation GPU core will be codename "Tahiti" and this will probably not even following the same naming structure we are used to with AMD cards.

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