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Wednesday, November 23

25 Worst passwords...if yours appears here it could be time for a new one!

Remembering passwords can be notoriously tricky especially if you have multiple accounts across a huge range of websites to remember. But never skimp out on the time to think of a good strong password. The company Splash Data has compiled a list of 25 passwords which it says are the worst for keeping your account safe. They include obvious bad ones like "password" and "123456" as well as other keyboard sequences such as "qwerty", "12345678", "1234567" and the double down sequence "qazwsx". The full list is as follows:
  • 1. password
  • 2. 123456
  • 3.12345678
  • 4. qwerty
  • 5. abc123
  • 6. monkey
  • 7. 1234567
  • 8. letmein
  • 9. trustno1
  • 10. dragon
  • 11. baseball
  • 12. 111111
  • 13. iloveyou
  • 14. master
  • 15. sunshine
  • 16. ashley
  • 17. bailey
  • 18. passw0rd
  • 19. shadow
  • 20. 123123
  • 21. 654321
  • 22. superman
  • 23. qazwsx
  • 24. michael
  • 25. football
SplashData CEO Morgan Slain urged the need for people to avoid these passwords and get secure passwords, he went on to say:

“Hackers can easily break into many accounts just by repeatedly trying common passwords,” Slain says. “Even though people are encouraged to select secure, strong passwords, many people continue to choose weak, easy-to-guess ones, placing themselves at risk from fraud and identity theft.”

And on a topical note this research report is reinforced by the password list from the website LifeHacker and the Gawker Media group which was hacked back in 2010:

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