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Wednesday, June 8

HP Supercomputer is born!

Although this news is a week out of date, I'm sure all you computer enthusiasts will appreciate this one. The huge computer corporation Hewlett Packard or HP has designed and constructed a massive supercomputer with a mind boggling amount of computing power. The size of this computer is also impressive! Don't think this will be sitting on your desktop anytime soon....

 So to the most important part, the specifications and performance. Just to give you an idea on the scale this supercomputer it has 244 TeraFlops of power! or it can make 244 trillion calculations per second.

A 980X clocked at 4.5GHz produces 0.20437 TeraFlops to give you some room for comparison (and that is a world record from a professional overclocker).

Whats inside this beast?

Intel 12 core Westmere server standard processors form the backbone of this system and not just 1 of them a whopping 2016 of them clocked at 3.06GHz each. The Supercomputer is formed of 2106 Blade servers all interlinked, each blade server has a Westmere processor, and between 36 and 72GB of RAM. This computer has been designed and optimised for calculations not storage and it is expected to make it into the Top 500 list.

The computer was built by a specialist team up in Scotland; hence the awful weather in the photo HP constructed this computer for a European client and won the right to build it over IBM and other competitors. But if you thought that was impressive this is by no means the fastest computest HP has ever built, the TSUBAME 2.0 supercomputer also built by HP has 1192 TeraFlops of computing power! and is ranked 4th in the top 500 supercomputer list!

And in case after reading all this you want to see how many TeraFlops your computer can produce there is a nice utility here for you to do that.

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